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How to play Holi safely if you have allergies and asthma?

  Holi is so much about colours, the very thing that can trigger problems for those suffering from asthma. The seasonal change too can trigger respiratory allergies. Be aware of pollen: People who have asthma and respiratory allergies are more susceptible to difficulties and attacks during Holi. This is both because of the weather and Holi as a festival. Holi happens during the harvest season, and at a time when winter is giving way to summer, so many trees and plants release pollen. This results in allergies, sneezing, wheezing and asthma attacks, which peak during March. We advise asthmatics to stay indoors as much as possible during the month. Pollen levels usually peak early mornings and evenings, and this time, in particular, one should avoid outdoor activity. If they are going outside, then they should cover their nose and mouth with a mask or moist cloth, and they must carry their inhalers to prevent a full-blown asthma attack. Respiratory concerns: The inhalation of airborne pa

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